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Thursday, March 30, 2017

Halal to Haram and vice versa to Our Lord

cleric Abu Abdurrahman al-Abdullah bin Mubarak al Hanzhali al Marwazi scholars famous in makkah who tell this history.

Halal to Haram and vice versa to Our Lord
Halal to Haram and vice versa to Our Lord

One time, after the completion of the Hajj rituals one undergoing, he rested and slept. In her sleep she dreamed of seeing the two angels who came down from heaven. He heard their conversation:

"How many are coming this year?" asked Angel to other angels.

"Seven hundred thousand," replied the other angels.

"How many of those who worship hajinya accepted?"


This conversation makes Abdullah shaking.

"What?" he cried in his dreams. "All these people have come from distant parts of the Earth, with great difficulties and weariness along the journey, wandering down the vast desert, and all their efforts be in vain?"

While shaking, he continued to hear the story of the second Angel.

"However there is someone, who, despite not coming Hajj, but worship hajinya accepted and all his sins had been forgiven. Thanks to him the whole of their Hajj accepted by God. "

"How come"

"It Is The Will Of God"

"Who are these people?"

"Sa'id bin Muhafah shoe repair in the town of Damsyiq (now Damascus)"

To hear that speech, the scholars it instantly woke up, After the Hajj, he did not immediately returned home, but directly to the city of Damascus, Syria.

Get there he immediately looking for shoe repair called Angel in his dream. Almost all shoe repair was asked, what does exist shoe repair that the name Sa'id ibn Muhafah.

"There is, at the edge of town" answered one of the soles of shoes while demonstrating her. Once there were scholars find the cobbler who dressed shabbily,

"Is it true that you named Sa'id bin Muhafah?" asked the scholars were

"Yes, who is the Lord?"

"I Abdullah bin Mubarak"

Said any moans, "father was a famous cleric, what's come up to me?"

For a moment the scholars of that confusion, from where he started the question, finally he download tell me about her dream.

"I want to know, is there something that you have done, so you deserve the reward of Hajj accepted?"

"Well I didn't know!"

"Let me tell you how your lives so far.

Then Sa'id bin Muhafah told me.

"Every year, every season, I always heard:

Labbaika Allahumma labbaika. Labbaika la syarika laka labbaika. Innal hamda wanni'mata laka wal mulka. LAA syarika laka.

O God, I came because of your call. No ally for you. All praise and ni'mat was is and kekuasaanMu. No ally for you.
Every time I hear that, I always cry o God I miss Mecca. O God I miss seeing the Kaaba. Let me come ..... Let me come, o God..

Therefore, since tens of years ago every day I put aside money from my work as a shoe repair.

Little by little I collect. Finally this year, I've got 350 dirhams, enough for me to make Hajj.

"I've been ready to make Hajj"

"But you cancel departures haji"


"What happened?"

"My wife is pregnant, and frequent cravings. The time I was about to leave for that time he severe cravings "
"My Husband, you smell the delicious cuisine?

"Yes dear" "try you're looking for, who to cook until it smells deliciously put it this way. Ask for a little bit for me "
"Ustadz, sayapun find source of odors that cuisine. It turns out that comes from the huts almost collapsed. There is a widow and six children.

I told him that my wife wanted dishes that she cooked, though a bit. The widow was silent just looked at me, so I repeated my words.

Finally she slowly says:

"not to be master"

"Any Sale I will buy"

"Food was not for sale," he said while teary eyes.

Finally I ask why?

Weeping widows, it said "this meat halal haram for us and for the master" she said.

In my heart: how there are foods that are Kosher for him, but the bastard to me, though we both Muslims?

Therefore I urged him again "why?"

"It's been a few days, we don't eat. There is no food at home. Today we see a dead ass, then we take some cooked meat.

"For us this meat is halal, because if we do not eat it we will die of hunger. But for the Host, the meat is haraam ".

Hear the spontaneous utterance I cried, and then I go home. I tell my wife, on the genesis and crying, we ended up cooking the food and go to the House of the widow.

"This cuisine to mu"
Money allocation of matter dirham 350 Hajj I gave on them.
"Use this money for the mu family. Use for business, so that you do not starve anymore "

O God ... ... ... This is Hajiku
O God ... ... ... This is Mekahku.

Hear the story of Abdullah bin Mubarak
Unable to hold back tears.

(for those who are going to Hajj .... or yg sdh Islamic ....)

My brother ... ... ... ... ... ... Remember ...

There are two that are not eternal in man! To wit: his physical Strength and Youth.
Don't Forget ... There are two well which will be useful for everyone! To wit: the sublime Character and soul of the sincere pardon.

Watch for. .. There are also two that would raise the degree of human kemulian! To wit: the humble and likes to lighten the load of other people's lives.

And there are two that will resist the coming catastrophe! To wit: the Alms as well as establishing relationships silaturrahim. May we be a people person who glorified Allah aamiin ...

Tag : Wedding, Inspirational Stories, Religion, Islam, Marriage, Hajj

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